Saturday, December 20, 2008

Burg: "..Israel should not be a Jewish state ... Israeli Arabs were like German Jews during the Second Reich .."

Etan Bronner's profile of Avraham Burg, in the NYTimes, here
"...But four years ago Mr. Burg not only walked away from politics, but also basically walked away from Zionism. In a book that came out last year and has just been translated and released in the United States, he said that Israel should not be a Jewish state, that its law of return granting citizenship to any Jew should be radically altered, that Israeli Arabs were like German Jews during the Second Reich and that the entire society felt eerily like Germany just before the rise of Hitler.
In other words, rather than reconciling the country’s complex tensions, Mr. Burg ended up imploding from them.
“I realized something about myself and Israel that frightened me,” he said recently, looking back over the past few years. “I realized that Israel had become an efficient kingdom with no prophecy. Where was it going? What is a Jewish democratic state? What does it mean that Jews define themselves by genetics 60 years after genetics were used against them?”

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