Friday, July 22, 2011

Opinion Poll: Lebanon & the 'ill reputed' Hariri Tribunal

English summary of Beirut Center for Research and Information's latest poll on tribunal.
For Arabic version see

1. Do you believe that the simultaneous release of the STL indictment along with the issuance of the ministerial statement was a coincidence or deliberate?

26.4% said it’s a coincidence
65.8% said it’s deliberate

2. In your opinion, do the leaks of the indictment’s contents 2 years ago in the western and Arab media cast doubt on the tribunal’s credibility?

63.5% said YES;
33% said NO

3. Did Daniel Bellemare, the STL Prosecutor, deal with the evidence provided by Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah in a professional manner?

26% YES,
60.5% NO

4. do you have confidence in the STL’s autonomy?

36.8% said YES,
60% said NO

5. do you believe that the tribunal should investigate the false witness issue before the trial?

70% said YES,
22.5% said NO

6. what are the objectives pursued by those who support the tribunal?

40.8% said justice,
54.3% said political gains

7. whom in your opinion stood most to gain from the assassination of Hariri

55.8% said Israel and/or US
13.8% said Hizbullah and/or Syria

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